The Heart Chakra: Anahata
The Heart Chakra: Anahata

The Heart Chakra is the fourth Chakra, located at your chest center. It is your center of unconditional love and compassion. Other qualities associated with the Heart Chakra include self love, empathy for others and humility.

Also known as Anahata, translated to ‘unhurt’ or ‘unbeaten,’ it places kindness, love and peace above all else. This Chakra is at your center, offering a bridge between the upper three spiritual Chakra’s and lower three earthly Chakra’s. A healthy Heart Chakra is essential for giving and receiving love from yourself and others.

When Heart Chakra is Unbalanced

Your Chakra’s can be either deficient (too closed/blocked) or excessive (too open). When a Chakra is deficient not enough energy is flowing. This can leave you feeling tired, sluggish, and listless. When a Chakra is excessive too much energy is flowing. This can present itself as aggression, agitation and projection outwards, even onto others. Here are some things to look for when Heart Chakra is out of alignment:

• You feel disconnected from, or avoid, those closest to you (blocked). On the flip side, when Heart Chakra is too open you are needy and co-dependent on others.

• You are overly critical of yourself and have a hard time loving yourself as you are.

• You have difficulty accepting love, gratitude and complements from others. It is hard for you to open yourself up emotionally to others.

• You re-live past trauma over and over. Can have difficulty getting over past hurt and therefore have trust issues.

• You have difficulty forgiving and tend to hold a grudge. You may also struggle with jealousy, bitterness and anger.

Social anxiety and shyness (blocked) or controlling and possessive (open).

• General feelings/actions that indicate a lack of empathy, care for yourself and a martyr attitude.

How to Unblock Heart Chakra

When Heart Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel balanced and in harmony with the world and everyone in it. Energy will flow allowing love and gratitude to freely move between yourself and others. Here are some ways to balance & activate your Heart Chakra:

• Practice gratitude and being thankful for your blessings. This will open you up to a higher frequency of abundance!

• Incorporate Self Care into your routine and love yourself. This article is full of great information on Self Care.

• Meditate on the Heart Chakra focusing on a green sphere of energy pulsing from your chest center. Visualize this energy flowing freely within your body then radiating outwards touching everyone around you with light.

• Use healing crystals like Rose Quartz, Jade or Green Aventurine. Carry them in your pocket or place these stones around your home.

• Start a journal and use meaningful prompts. This can be a productive way to work through emotional issues surrounding trust, forgiveness, love and much, much more.

• Express love to the people you care about. This could be small thoughtful acts of kindness, a date night out, physical affection or kind words. Don’t assume others know how you feel, practice using your words and putting thoughts into action.

• Commit random acts of kindness, smile at people on the street and help lift others to better places.

• Submerse yourself in nature and allow the green vibrations to wash over you.

• Repeat affirmations such as “I am worthy of love,” “I am compassionate” and “I accept myself and others unconditionally”

Heart Chakra at A Glance…

In Sandskirt: Anahata

Location: Chest Center

Color: Green

Element: Air

Crystals: Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Jade

Essential Oils: Ylang-Ylang, Lavender, Jasmine

Food: Green Tea, cucumber, kiwi, asparagus and other green foods

*This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. This does not replace medical advice. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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