Healthcare Hero: 3 Crystals to Lift You Up
Healthcare Hero: 3 Crystals to Lift You Up

It takes a special person to fill the shoes of a healthcare hero. They exude patience, kindness and endless compassion while working tirelessly on the fly. These three crystals are here to help life you up the way work to lift others. Red Jasper for grounding strength and endurance. Citrine for energy and joy to cope with long days. And finally, Selenite to protect your aura and connect with the angelic guidance of the Universe.

Red Jasper

This stone offers a steady frequency of energy and endurance to reach the goals you set for yourself in every day life. No matter how big or small these goals may be, they are stepping stones on your way to greatness – reach for them! Red Jasper activates Root Chakra to help you remain grounded and level headed with each passing moment. This encourages thoughtful problem solving and creativity to get you through. This gem represents justice. It inspires courage to do what’s right and maintain your personal energy empowering you to live your life in alignment with your core values. Even though it’s not always easy, stand by your principals.


Known as the stone of success, Citrine promotes joy, enthusiasm and confidence. It’s that little spark of wonder that makes each and every day more fulfilling then the last. It activates Solar Plexus Chakra helping you to claim your identity and be authentic which should not be overlooked. Remaining confident in who you are is why you’re so great at what you do. You were meant fort this. Citrine also stimulates intellect so you can think quick on your feet while dissipating negative energies in the surrounding environment. 


Synonymous with light, Selenite radiates pure love and divine guidance. This gem vibrates at a high frequency to cleanse your mind, body and soul. It promotes calm within and eliminates dense, unwanted energy that hangs around and slows you down. This allows you to become more aware of your surroundings to not only enjoy the little things, but elevate your entire being and protect your aura. This uplifting stone can see you through the darkest days. It serves as a reminder that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

*Crystals are not meant to treat illness, cure ailments, or save you from Bigfoot. The feelings, experiences and hope crystals can bring are purely for you to discover on your personal journey through life. We make no guarantee as to their effectiveness, they are for inspirational fun. If you have any health or medical concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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