Crystals for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
Crystals for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

Mercury Retrograde is upon us until November 3rd, in Scorpio no less. For the last Mercury Retrograde of 2020, we have an opportunity to learn, grow and shed old belief systems. While these few weeks are most known for promoting chaos and unrest, it’s actually the best time for reflection and growth! This trio of healing crystals have been carefully selected for October’s Mercury Retrograde, in Scorpio 2020, to aid you along your journey towards fulfillment.

1. Amazonite

Amazonite is another calming stone that encourages optimism, perspective and expression free from judgement. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is all about self reflection and becoming aware of toxic habits. This crystal will offer the support needed to embrace the truth, bring order to chaos and calm your mind, especially during meditation. Amazonite stimulates the Heart Chakra allowing love and compassion to guide you along this difficult path of awareness and releasing these toxic tendencies.

2. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli stimulates the Throat Chakra promoting communication and speaking your truth. This can be especially valuable during Mercury retrograde when communication, electronics and wording in general are known to be tricky. While navigating this phenomena, research, feedback and objective thinking will be valuable tools. Lapis Lazuli will offer the support, wisdom and good judgement needed when making decisions and interacting with those around us.

3. Amethyst

Amethyst is a calming crystal. This can sooth feelings of anxiety, promote patience and enhance creativity. These are important qualities to focus on when the world might be feeling more chaotic. With Mercury retrograde in water sign Scorpio, leaning into your intuition is key during this time. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye Chakra which can help you connect with your inner voice. Have faith in yourself and go with your gut.

Some of my favorite crystals align to bring strength, clarity and peace to Mercury Retrograde. If you enjoyed the article, share the value with your friends! I appreciate all the loving support 💜

*This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. It’s just for fun 🙂 This does not replace medical advice. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician

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