Crystals 101: An Introduction
Crystals 101: An Introduction

What Are Crystals

Crystals are thought to promote positive energy flow and balance within the body while purging toxic, negative energies. They’ve been around for centuries used in jewelry, for healing, as decoration in metal work and as talismans in ancient times. They have a wide variety of uses and promote balance and well-being on many levels. While they are not an alternative for modern medicine, their energetic properties can extend far past what the eye can see.  Read about how to Prepare Your Crystals before using them.

Discovering Your Personal Crystal

Take a step back for a few moments of self reflection. This is not a time for you to feel badly about your negative qualities nor a time to stroke your ego. It’s a powerful moment of self realization that allows you assess which of your positive qualities you’d like to enhance, and which of your negative qualities you’d like gain more control over. For example, if you’re involved in stage performing, Carnelian would be a great stone for you to enhance you’re performance. It encourages a clear, confident voice, stimulates creativity and keeps you grounded in the present moment. On the flip side, if you’re notoriously impatient, Amethyst would be a great addition for you. It’s soothing presence helps you feel focused, calm and less scattered on the whole. Our list of Top Healing Crystals will help you learn more and offer some food for thought.

You can also lean on your intuition. When you’re browsing crystals, which one stands out to you? You may be drawn to certain crystals on a subconscious level. Trust yourself and go with your gut.

Crystal Shapes

Crystals come in many shapes and sizes but are all energetically powerful. Here are a few to get your feet wet as you begin to learn more about crystals.

Tumbled stones

These small smooth stones are great for people new to crystals and the most popular. They’re perfect to carry around with you in your purse or pocket to have them close. You can also make elixir’s, place them around the home, use them in crystal grids or on specific areas of the body while meditating.


Round crystals, also known as the crystal ball, distribute their energy outwards in every direction. Their round shape provides a peaceful, grounding energy to the room around it.


Clusters are comprised of several points and, as such, believed to vibrate at a higher frequency. They’re stunning pieces and promote unity.


A crystal point provides focused energy that becomes amplified into the universe and the surrounding room. Points are very versatile crystals and ideal for manifesting intentions. Write your goals and intentions on a piece of paper, then place it beneath the crystal.

Crystals have numerous uses. The more you touch your crystal, the more you can connect with them. So program them with intention and incorporate them into your life. The mindset shift alone can be powerful. Read more about how to Prepare Your Crystals when you bring them home.

  1. Wear them as jewelry or carry them around with you in your pocket, purse, etc.
  2. Toss some crystals in your bath for some luxurious energy healing. Amethyst is a soothing stone and natural stress reliever. If you’re running on E, Clear and Smokey Quartz will aid in replenishing you energy. Keep in mind not all crystals are bath compatible. Some may dissolve in water and others, like Amazonite, can be toxic.
  3. Decorate your home with crystals. They will elevate positive energy and dispel negativity.
  4. Bring crystals to work. Same concept as #3, but bring energetic stones that promote success, abundance and wisdom. Carnelian and Citrine are some great options.
  5. Include them in your meditation. You can hold them and connect with them. Alternatively, you can lie down and place them on areas of your body that need healing.
  6. You can create a gem water by placing certain stones in water. Distilled water is the best to expose to crystal energy. Keep in mind, some stones are toxic and not suitable for consumption. Double check before brew your creation and enjoy the cooling elixir!

This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I love my crystal collection and hope you discover a connection with your own crystals. Personally, I often wear a bracelet or Carnelian to promote creativity, keep me motivated and fuel my ambition. I also sleep with Amethyst under my pillow to help me sleep! What are your favorites?

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