Hey Mama: These 3 Crystals Are For You!
Hey Mama: These 3 Crystals Are For You!

Having kids is an adventure filled with love, challenge, growth and precious moments. Crystals may not get you privacy in the bathroom but these gems promote love & patience, trusting your feminine intuition & living in the moment and going with the flow of unpredictable moments with trust and grace. These three crystals are for embracing everything motherhoods throws your way.

Rose Quartz

A stone of love and care, Rose Quartz promotes an unconditional connection between you and your children – even when they drive you nuts. It encourages patience and humility as you pour your heart and soul into raising your children. This crystal activates Heart Chakra allowing trust and compassion to flow freely in your actions and words both towards your children and yourself. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of self care and release any feelings of guilt associated with taking time for yourself as this will be important for helping you to feel whole, worthy and open to receiving the same love you give in return. You are amazing, mama, and embracing balance between giving and receiving will create positive energy that elevates your entire family.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone is the ultimate symbol of feminine allure and power, honoring the cycles of your body. It allows you to reconnect with your true self and live in the present moment, with contentment, so you can savor each and every minute as your children grow. This crystal encourages you to be open to all the new opportunities motherhood brings forth. The good and the bad, they are the lessons and adventures that cultivate a fulfilling life. Have faith that your feminine wisdom and intuition will guide you to where you need to be.


Aquamarine inspires truth, trust and letting go of the things that are not within your control (even when you want them to be). This calming stone offers courage, helps reduce stress and relieves feeling of overwhelm as you take each day one at a time. This gem serves to remind you that, like the ocean, life is ever flowing and constantly moving in new directions. Therefore, Aquamarine helps you to be mindful when new and unpredictable things come up throughout motherhood. Most importantly, this gem dissuades judgement of yourself and others. Being a mom isn’t always easy – so let’s have each others back! 🖤

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*Crystals are not meant to treat illness, cure ailments, or guarantee you 5 minutes of “me” time while locked in the bathroom. The feelings, experiences and hope crystals can bring are purely for you to discover on your personal journey through life. We make no guarantee as to their effectiveness, they are just for inspirational fun. If you do have any health or medical concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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