3 Crystals for New Beginnings This Winter Season
3 Crystals for New Beginnings This Winter Season

The chilly winter is upon us bringing with it cozy sweaters, hot cocoa and the warm hearth on our hands. In the cycle of seasons, winter represents isolation, transformation, rebirth and renewal. It is a time for reflection, growth and self care to help maintain our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing during this dark time. Winter may not be our favorite season, although it can be stunningly beautiful, but it is still an opportunity for us to open new doors, shed old habits and plant the seeds that will grow into anything you can imagine. With these 3 crystals by your side, you are an unstoppable force.

Snowflake Obsidian

During the dark time of winter, this crystal embraces isolation as a time for reflection, growth and truth. Although this may feel difficult, Snowflake Obsidian is known as a stone of transformation welcoming in new beginnings and supporting you along the way. It serves as a reminder that even during the darkest times there are opportunities surrounding us. Take advantage of them. This gem offers a lifeline to Mother Earth to keep you grounded and connected while shielding against negative energies.


This crystal encourages balance by calming an overactive mind and promoting peace within. It supports us during times of transition helping to overcome any emotional issues associated with this time of the year. Lepidolite activates the upper four Chakra’s (Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown) promoting self love, communication, intuition and expanded awareness. Be mindful of these qualities and lean into them as you navigate your way forward. Pay special attention to self love by giving yourself the extra attention known as self care. It’s very important to maintaining overall wellness, especially during the winter months.


Emitting higher frequency vibrations, Selenite cleanses the mind, body and soul of self imposed limits. This is accomplished by removing blockages throughout the subtle body so energy can flow freely. It promotes universal love and divine guidance by helping you to connect with higher, angelic powers of the Universe. Therefore, this gem is the light, within the dark, bringing with it feelings of hope, clarity and enlightenment. Tune into the frequencies of Selenite to eliminate heavy energies in your surroundings and use its properties to your advantage as you cultivate new ideas and habits bringing you one step closer to your true path.

Winter can be beautiful, but having grown up in Minnesota, days are short, nights are long and don’t even get me started on the temperature. It’s an ideal time to hunker down and get to know yourself. What are your passions? What do you need to reassess? And how can you harness these discoveries to create a fulfilling career? Yes, you can make money by following your passion! Check out my course on Manifesting Success to help you uncover new things about yourself and how you can use these qualities to your advantage!

*Crystals are not meant to treat illness, cure ailments, or save you from an alien invasion (but they may come in peace, don’t forget that). The feelings, experiences and hope crystals can bring are purely for you to discover on your personal journey through life. We make no guarantee as to their effectiveness, they are for inspirational fun. If you have any health or medical concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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