Which Crystal? – Healing Your Chakra’s
Which Crystal? – Healing Your Chakra’s

Our Chakra’s represent an important part of our spiritual, physical and emotional wellness. Unbalance can manifest itself easily in our busy lives. You can promote the wellness and balance of each Chakra with healing crystals. There are many amazing healing crystals to choose from, but these are our top favorites for each Chakra!

Root Chakra, located at your tailbone, is associated with security, prosperity and safety. It’s your foundation of everything solid in life from your family and history to culture and basic needs. When this Chakra is in balance, you feel grounded, secure and capable of manifesting new opportunities. Read more about when Root Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Red Jasper: Resonates with the lower three Chakra’s, particularly the Root. It helps form a solid connection to Mother Earth. It’s great for balance, courage, grounding & stamina.

Hematite: Absorbs negative energy helping to raise your frequency. Great for grounding & alleviating excess worry.

Smokey Quartz: Amplifies the energy of nearby stones and alleviates negative emotions. It’s powerful for grounding and clarity when seeking direction.

Bloodstone: Purifies negative energies of the body and environment. Displels electromagnetic smog and increases the flow of energy.

Sacral Chakra, located just below your naval, is associated with creativity, sensuality and your emotional connections with those closest to you. When this Chakra is in balance, you’ll feel full of life, comfortable connecting with others and ready new embrace new opportunities. Read more about when Sacral Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Amber: Helps transform negative emotions and energy into positive energy. Promotes fertility and environmental cleansing.

Sunstone: Increases vitality, originality and sheds light on all situations. It helps alleviate stress, fear and protects your personal energy from the ‘energy vampires’ in your life.

Carnelian: Offers courage, clarity, ambition and drive. Great for providing overall balance within. Also promotes sensuality by helping rekindle the passion between lovers.

Goldstone: Increases drive & confidence while instilling an uplifting and positive sense of energy. It’s particularly helpful to maintaining a strong mindset.

Solar Plexus Chakra, located just above your naval, is associated with confidence, will-power and true identity. When this Chakra is in balance, you will feel free to claim your personal power and take action with confidence. Read more about when Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Tiger’s Eye: Promotes good judgement while aleviating jealousy, pride & fear. Stimulates courage and motivation allowing you to take control of your life.

Citrine: Stimulates self-confidence, open mindedness and personal power. Great for manifesting your intentions. Offers protection against the outside influences of others.

Yellow Aventurine: Beneficial for those who have difficulty maintaining their personal power. Enhances the flow of energy offering balance, creativity and a chance for self-reflection.

Garnet: Extracts negative energies and encourages you to release old behavioral patterns that no longer serve. Great for passion, success and confidence.

Heart Chakra, located at your chest center, is associated with compassion, empathy and unconditional love. When this Chakra is in balance, you’ll feel deeply connected to others, yourself and the world. Read more about when Heart Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Rose Quartz: Encourages all forms of love and compassion while increasing the flow of feminine energies. Great for forgiveness, friendship & peace. Helps heal emotional wounds.

Green Aventurine: Attracts love, opportunity and luck. Promotes balance between the mind, body & spirit.

Jade: Protects the wearer from harm while helping to release negative thoughts. Promotes harmony, friendship & self discovery.

Amazonite: Promotes expression of thoughts and feelings free from judgement. Encourages self love, integrity, compassion and an overall sense of harmony. Dispels blockages of fear and anxiety related to trauma.

Throat Chakra, located at the level of your neck, is associated with all forms of communication, self-expression and inner truth.  When this Chakra is in balance, you’ll feel comfortable living and speaking in accordance with your truth. The qualities of listening, honesty and creative expression will also be strong. Read more about when Throat Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Lapis Lazuli: Encourages self expression, honesty, truth and compassion. This stone will aid you when expression feelings and emotions in relationships.

Turquoise: Encourages positive thinking, public speaking & releasing old inhibitions. Great for writing, calming the nerves and protection  while traveling.

Aquamarine: Promotes courage, calming energy & tolerance. Great for overcoming judgement and feelings of overwhelm.

Blue Lace Agate: Helps calm the nerves and overactive thinking allowing for self expression. Great for clearing the toxic energies of rejection and social anxiety.

Third Eye Chakra, located at your forehead above your brow, is associated with wisdom, intuition and transcendence into a higher level of awareness. When this Chakra is in balance, you feel sure of yourself, more self aware and able to rise above limiting beliefs. Read more about when Third Eye Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Amethyst: Offers protection against psychic attack, insomnia and grief. It promotes memory, focus and clarity while stimulating thought & creativity.

Labradorite: Promotes imagination, adventure and cosmic curiosity. Great for self discovery and exploration into the levels of your consciousness.

Sodalite: Brings a sense of harmony and calm to the mind encouraging rational thought, communication and objectivity. Allows you to gain a deeper understanding of who you are.

Angelite: Helps dispel anger and anxiety while promoting peaceful and awareness. Great for connecting with spirit guides and angels.

Crown Chakra, located at the top of your head, is your connection to the Divine. Other qualities include transcendence, thought and pure bliss. When this Chakra is in balance, you’ll have trust in the Universe and feel a sense of purpose & connection with everything in the World. Read more about when Crown Chakra is blocked and how to balance here.

Clear Quartz: Promotes spiritual growth, protects your aura & allows for better understanding of dreams. Great for manifesting intentions and tuning in to your higher self.

Selenite: Promotes clarity, activation and aligns the Chakra’s allowing energy to flow freely. Great for meditation and other energy work.

Moonstone: Aids in strengthening the intuition and reminds us that the Universe allows for infinite possibilities. Clears negative emotions holding you back.

Howlite: Stimulates memory, promotes knowledge & allows for exploration into past lives. Helps alleviate stress, anger & frustration.

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