The Third Eye Chakra: Ajna
The Third Eye Chakra: Ajna

The Third Eye Chakra is your sixth Chakra, located at your forehead just above your eyebrows. It represents wisdom and transcendence into a higher realm of awareness. Other qualities associated with the Third Eye Chakra include intuition, imagination, perception and your connection between the spiritual and physical worlds.

Also known as Ajna, which can be translated to ‘command’ or ‘perceive.’  The way we visualize the data we collect has a large impact upon our lives. A healthy Third Eye Chakra functions as a bridge towards spiritual enlightenment.

When Third Eye Chakra is Unbalanced

Your Chakra’s can be either deficient (too closed/blocked) or excessive (too open). When a Chakra is deficient not enough energy is flowing. This can leave you feeling tired, sluggish, and listless. When a Chakra is excessive too much energy is flowing. This can present itself as aggression, agitation and projection outwards, even onto others. Here are some things to look for when Third Eye Chakra is out of alignment:

• You are closed minded, unwilling to listen to, or accept, another point of view or welcome in new ideas for change

• Lack of inspiration, direction or creativity that gives meaning to anything you do

• Have difficulty visualizing the bigger picture and making connections between the smaller pieces of information. Also known as tunnel vision

• Your vision of reality is distorted. This can be due to mental imbalances, ego, high emotions or excessive day dreaming.

• You have trouble connecting with yourself on a deeper level. Also related is ignoring your intuition (or gut instincts)

• You dislike people and form shallow connections with others

• General feelings of paranoia, depression, lack of focus and stubbornness

How to Unblock Third Eye Chakra

When Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel grounded, self-aware and sure of yourself. Energy will flow freely forming a deep connection with your intuition and wisdom. Here are some ways to balance & activate your Third Eye Chakra:

• Practice trusting your intuition. If your gut is trying to tell you something, roll with it.

• Set weekly/daily intentions and goals. This will offer direction and help you feel fulfilled.

• Meditate on the Third Eye Chakra focusing on an indigo sphere of energy glowing from your forehead. Visualize this energy moving freely allowing light to shine brightly throughout your being.

• Use healing crystals like Amethyst, Angelite or Labradorite. Carry them in your pocket or place these stones around your home.

• Begin to shift your mindset from one of ‘knowing’ to one of ‘learning.’ We don’t know everything, and that’s ok. If you approach any topic, even one in which you are familiar, with a willingness to be open to learning, you will be all the wiser for it.

• Make a dream board, then write down the baby steps needed to reach those dreams

• Read an article or watch a documentary about a topic you know nothing about. Open your mind to new ideas and be willing to learn

• Start an art project. The creativity stimulates your third eye and helps form deeper connection with yourself

• Repeat affirmations such as “I am wise,” and “I am willing to embrace new ideas.”

Third Eye Chakra at A Glance…

In Sandskirt: Ajna

Location: Brow

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Crystals: Amethyst, Labradorite, Angelite

Essential Oils: Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot

Food: Omega-3 Foods like salmon & nuts, blue to purple hued foods such as grapes, eggplant & blackberries

*This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. This does not replace medical advice. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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