The Throat Chakra: Visuddha
The Throat Chakra: Visuddha

The Throat Chakra is your fifth Chakra, located at the level of your neck. It represents communication and expressing your truth. Other qualities associated with the Throat Chakra include listening, honesty and creative expression.

Also known as Visuddha, it can be translated to ‘especially pure.’  A healthy Throat Chakra plays a vital role in your communication with others and living a lifestyle in accordance with your truth.

When Throat Chakra is Unbalanced

Your Chakra’s can be either deficient (too closed/blocked) or excessive (too open). When a Chakra is deficient not enough energy is flowing. This can leave you feeling tired, sluggish, and listless. When a Chakra is excessive too much energy is flowing. This can present itself as aggression, agitation and projection outwards, even onto others. Here are some things to look for when Throat Chakra is out of alignment:

• Being verbally aggressive and hurtful towards yourself and others.

• You have difficulty listening to what others are saying and may find that you frequently interrupt.

• You struggle to put your thoughts into words and have difficulty expressing your true nature

• You are anxious, shy or upset during conversations.

• You are over-opinionated, have a tendency to lie often and gossip frequently (too open). On the flip side, if your Chakra is too closed you have difficulty finding your voice and expressing any opinion.

• You fear criticism and judgement. This can inhibit your abilities to be yourself around other people.

How to Unblock Throat Chakra

When Throat Chakra is balanced, you’ll feel secure and confident expressing yourself. Energy will flow freely allowing open communication, kindness and honesty. Here are some ways to balance & activate your Throat Chakra:

• Practice speaking out when you have an opinion or to stand up for what you feel is right. You must do this with kindness.

• Sing out loud to your favorite song!

• Meditate on the Throat Chakra focusing on a bright blue sphere of energy radiating from your neck. Visualize this energy moving freely within your body, clearing any blockages, and giving you the courage to be yourself.

• Use healing crystals like Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise or Aquamarine. Carry them in your pocket or place these stones around your home.

• Start a journal and use meaningful prompts. This can be a valuable way to discover yourself, reflect, gain better understanding of your emotional issues and much, much more.

• Practice listening. Like, actual listening to hear the other person and not to respond. Use your body language and attention to let them know what they have to say has meaning. This respect will be returned.

• Write down your goals and dreams. This will help you figure out what you want in life and may fill in gaps where words were once lost.

• Become aware of the way to speak to people (and yourself) and what you say. Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true?

• Repeat affirmations such as “My words have value,” and “I speak my truth with kindness.”

Throat Chakra at A Glance…

In Sandskirt: Visuddha

Location: Throat

Color: Blue

Element: Ether (Akasha)

Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine

Essential Oils: Myrrh, Cypress, Frankincense

Food: Healing liquids like tea & coconut water, tree fruit such as plums, apples and pears

*This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. This does not replace medical advice. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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