Allow 5 Minutes A Day To Change Your Life
Allow 5 Minutes A Day To Change Your Life

This crazy world we live in seems to be getting crazier by the day. Our lives are hectic. While you’re trying to find balance between work, family and keeping house, do you leave any time for yourself? Many of us feel like we’re constantly running on E trying to get everything done. Sometimes, we just wish we had more time. This may feel counter intuitive, but if you make time for yourself , you can ultimately be more productive. Yes, the secret to accomplishing more, with less, is to do things for yourself, putting your mind in a better place. One of the most powerful ways to get your head in the right frame of mind is to meditate.

What Are You Waiting For?

There’s a reason more and more companies, schools and corporations are encouraging meditation. Google, Apple, Nike and Yahoo are just a few examples of major corporations promoting this mindful act of well being in the workplace. Just 5 minutes a day can shift your entire perspective. Suddenly, an obstacle that appeared hopeless and overwhelming is now a simple task you can calmly wrap your head around. It’s the difference between being frustrated, not knowing where to start, and not even realizing you just tackled a huge task like a boss. It’s almost like magic!

Where To Start?

Incorporating meditation into your life starts with acknowledging the positive impact it can have on your life. Then, allowing yourself to take the time to practice. A good goal for anyone new to meditation is starting with 5-10 minutes each day. Find a comfortable place you can sit (or lie down if you promise not to fall asleep! Lol) and close your eyes. Begin by focusing on your breathing. If any thought enters your mind, simply acknowledge it, then blow it away with your exhale. This will help refocus your awareness back onto your breathing. You can also incorporate calming music, or select a mantra to repeat to yourself. Choose a mantra that resonates with who you are, or the person you want to become. For example, “I am worthy, I am kind, I am successful.”

The Bottom Line

Know that meditation is a practice that takes time. You may feel frustrated at first finding it difficult to calm your thoughts. Allow yourself to be patient and work through each session. This small investment of time each day will begin to shift your perspective. You’ll feel more accomplished, optimistic and working from a place of inner peace. Without further delay, discover what meditation can do for your life!

Interested in embracing the power of meditation? Our guided meditations will calm your mind and balance your body & soul. I guarantee you’ll love them!

This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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