Successful People Who Meditate
Successful People Who Meditate

The mindful practice of meditation can be powerful enhancing your life in numerous ways. By focusing your attention on your breathing, an object, mantra or thought, you can train your minds awareness. Many people integrate meditation into their lives to reach a clearer state of peace and calm within the mind, body and soul. These A-listers have discovered something amazing in meditation, and it’s worth talking about! 

1.) Lady Gaga

For Lady Gaga, meditation is important in her life. Shortly after the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, she went live on social media to share a meditation with the world. 

2.) Russell Brand

Brand practices transcendental meditation twice a day for about 15-20 at time. He credits his meditation practice as an invaluable tool helping his recovery from drugs, and in his marriage and professional life.

3.) Jada Pinkett Smith

Smith makes time for her daily meditation first thing in the morning. It’s her way of getting the day off to the right start. 

4.) Jennifer Lopez

Lopez turned to transcendental meditation as part of a well rounded routine to help manage the stress of a full and busy schedule.

5.) Bill Ford 

Ford, executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, talked about how meditation got him through difficult times when the company was going through bankruptcy.

6.) Kobe Bryant

Kobe practiced  mindfulness every day and started his morning with a 10-15 minute meditation.

7.) Hugh Jackman

Jackman has incorporated meditation into his lifestyle for years. Even his son started practicing to help manage his anxiety when he was 12 years old. 

8.) Steve Jobs

Former CEO of one of the most successful companies, Jobs was big into zen meditation.  He incorporated it into his life to boost his creativity and reduce stress. 

9.) Jerry Seinfeld

Seinfeld has been practicing transcendental meditation for over 40 years. He meditates twice daily enjoying the extra energy and peace within it offers.

10.) Katy Perry

Perry meditates each morning. She uses meditation to help her cope with anxiety.

11.) Jeff Weiner

The CEO of LinkedIn has evolved his approach to business and family, to be more compassionate. One of his many mindful practices is meditating each morning.

12.) Mandy Moore

Moore started meditating each day when a doctor recommended it. It’s a part of her mindful lifestyle to help her listen to her bodies needs.

13.) Bill Clinton

Clinton started to include meditation into his routine as a way to relax and promote a healthier lifestyle.

14.) Jennifer Aniston

Aniston is into yoga, feng shui and meditation. For her meditation practice, she does it first thing when she wakes up (before coffee).

15.) Ellen Degeneres

Degeneres first got into meditation to discover a deeper connection to the Universe, and because she had trouble sleeping. Now, transcendental meditation is a part of her everyday life.

16.) Jessica Alba

Alba uses meditation has a way to help manage stress. She likes guided meditations but sometimes sits for 5-10 minutes just connect to herself.

17.) Adele

Adele is not only a fan of crystals, she meditates as well. To get in the zone, she meditates before each performance so she can be at her best.

Feeling inspired to join the stars? You can enjoy the benefits of meditation, today. Learn more about the guided meditations we offer. I guarantee you’ll love them!

1Mazzo, L. (n.d.). Lady Gaga Is Hosting a Live Meditation on Instagram After the Las Vegas Shooting. URL

2Aleksander, I. (2011, March 18). Look Who’s Meditating Now. URL

324 Hours With Jada Pinkett Smith. (2018, January 4).URL

4Mulumba, P. (2018, April 30). Jennifer Lopez’ Best Stress Handling Technique. URL

5Schwartz, T. (2014, August 7). How to Be Mindful in an ‘Unmanageable’ World. URL

6Kostopoulos, P. (2018, August 8). More Sports: Mindfulness: the secret weapon of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. URL

7Transcendental meditation saved Hugh Jackman’s family from anxiety. (2018, March 16). URL

8James, G. (2015, March 19). How Steve Jobs Trained His Own Brain.URL

9D’Estries,M. (2017, June 5). Jerry Seinfeld credits meditation for endless energy. URL

10Gander, K. (2018, April 30). Katy Perry says she treats her anxiety with
meditation, not drugs.URL

11Haigh, M. (2018, September 20). LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner says these 4 simple practices helped him grow as a leader. URL

12Prinzivalli, L. (2019, November 5). Mandy Moore’s Definition of Wellness Goes Way Beyond Meditation and Supplements. URL

13Tebbe, A., & Tebbe, A. (2017, October 12). Former President Bill Clinton
learns to meditate, report says. URL

14Usa, H. (2019, November 12). Jennifer Aniston’s yoga and meditation routine revealed. URL

15Meditation with Ellen DeGeneres. (2018, May 29). URL

16Dawson, A. (2016, February 27). Jessica Alba’s Honest-to-goodness stress relievers: meditation, hot yoga, spin class with friends. URL

17Pilcher, R. (2016, March 21). Adele Believes In The Power Of Healing Crystals. URL

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