Top Healing Crystals
Top Healing Crystals

More people are opening their minds to alternative healing, becoming more mindful and focusing on self care. As such, healing crystals are becoming very popular. Even famous folks like Victoria Beckham, Adele and  Katy Perry boast their love and dedication to the almighty crystal. Crystals can act as a channel for the positive flow of energy throughout the body to heal, draw out negative energies and align the bodies seven energy centers known as Chakras.  In this article we’re going to delve into some of the most popular crystals and their healing energies.

1. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power in that is amplifies energy and intention. It’s particularly useful to dissolve negative energy and harmonize the chakra’s allowing energy to flow freely throughout the body.

Good For Clearing your mind, concentration & enhancing spiritual receptiveness.

2. Citrine attracts abundance, expels fears and phobias, and expands your mind allowing for new thoughts and ideas. It’s most often associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra that, when balanced, enhances self confidence, ambition and personal power.

Good For Entrepreneurs & students. Making decisions, night terrors and self esteem issues.

3. Rose Quartz Encourages all forms of love, forgiveness, compassion and friendship. It’s useful for balancing the heart chakra promoting unconditional love and healing.

Good For Loving yourself and others, infertility, clearing out jealousy, anger and resentment.

4. Amethyst is a popular stone with strong healing and cleansing properties. It’s a soothing stone, natural tranquilizer and good for balancing  the Crown Chakra.  This will promote spiritual awareness, intuition and psychic abilities.

Good For Anxiety, sleeping, balancing mood swings.

5. Hematite is a great protector stone to carry around. It absorbs negative energy, keeps you grounded, promotes balance within the Root Chakra and overall alignment of the seven Chakras.

Good For Anxiety, stress and staying grounded.

6. Carnelian is a stabilizing stone that offers energy and clarity when making life decisions. It stimulates creativity, promotes positive choices and offers motivation for success.

Good For Overcoming negative situations, starting new business ventures and self discovery.

7. Green Aventurine is known as a lucky stone attracting abundance, success and opportunity. On the healing side, this stone connects with the Heart Chakra and can release you of negative habits. This allows you welcome in new opportunity and healthier habits.

Good For That trip to Vegas, overcoming emotional issues and negative cycles.

8. Tiger’s Eye has been used for centuries as a talisman to ward evil spirits and offer protection. It also stimulates insight and promotes a deeper understanding of oneself.

Good For Taking action, dispelling fear and distancing yourself from emotion to gain a clear perspective

9. Lapis Lazuli, in ancient times, was highly sought after for its intense blue color. It was a symbol of royalty power and honor. It encourages honesty, truth, intellect and a drive for wisdom.

Good For Activating the Third Eye and Throat Chakra. Performance or public speaking events.

10. Red Jasper has been regarded as a sacred and powerful stone by ancient people. It offers endurance, vibrancy and balance of intense energy. Red jasper is good for emotional grounding.

Good For Activating the Root Chakra, insight into personal difficulties. Provides courage and strength.

11. Sodalite encourages truth, perspective, creative thinking and rational thought. It stimulates the third eye Chakra offering insight to the mind and body. Sodalite helps connect with ourselves on a deeper level.

Good For Activating Third Eye Chakra and self-discovery. Removes guilt and fear.

This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

Thanks for reading! Did you discover a stone that spoke to you? One of my favorites is Sodalite. It also happens to align with my sign, Sagittarius. I discovered this after I was drawn to it’s aura (goosebumps!). If you loved this content, share with your friends. I love and appreciate all the support!

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