Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras
Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras

The term “chakra” may sound familiar; but what exactly are they? The word “chakra” in Sandskirt translates to “disk” or “wheel.” The Chakra’s are a collective energy system of seven connected points of power. They start at the base of your spine and continue up through to the top of your head. They create a loop of energy that come from, and surround, your body. Each spinning disk of energy represents a different important aspect of your consciousness. In this article, we’ll talk about each of the seven chakra’s, what they contribute to your life and how to know if one (or more) could be energetically blocked.

What it Represents: The first energy center, located at the base of your spine, is the root chakra. It’s the foundation that grounds you to the Earth allowing you to feel safe and secure.

When it’s Blocked: When you’re root chakra is out of balance you may feel tired, scared, have worries about money and, overall, an unhealthy focus on the things you don’t have enough of.

Mantras for Balance: I am safe. I have everything I need to survive.  I am grateful for the money I have. I live in abundance. I am grounded and balanced. I have deep roots that stabilize me.

Learn More About Root Chakra

What it Represents: The second energy center is the sacral chakra. It’s located in the lower abdomen below your belly button. This chakra embodies creativity, sexuality,  how you view yourself and your interactions and relationships with yourself and others.

When it’s Blocked: When you’re sacral chakra is out of balance you may have trouble expressing your emotions, sexual problems, issues with friends and family and an overall sense of unhappiness with yourself.

Mantras for Balance: I am worthy. It is safe to express my emotions. I am creative and what I create matters. I choose happy sexuality. I care for myself. I have healthy relationships with the people in my life. 

Learn More About Sacral Chakra

What it Represents: Your third chakra, the solar plexus, is your power center. Its located at the top of the abdomen above your belly button. This chakra represents power, confidence, belief in yourself, willpower and self-control. 

When it’s Blocked: When you’re solar plexus chakra is out of balance you may have low self-esteem, feel as though you have no power or control over situations in your waking life or feel overwhelmed by criticism or rejection.

Mantras for Balance: I am capable of overcoming my fears. I am confident and kind. I am important. I love who I am. I have many talents and skills. 

Learn More About Solar Plexus Chakra

What it Represents: The heart chakra is the most important and powerful. It is the center chakra, located between your chest, with three below  and three above. It embodies your connection to people and your openness to love others and receive their love in return.

When it’s Blocked: When you’re heart chakra is out of balance you may be overcome with grief, feel unworthy or undeserving of love, have trouble expressing your love, or be experiencing difficulties in your current relationships.

Mantras for Balance: I am worthy of love. It is safe to love others. It is safe to love again. I am accepting of others and of myself. I am open to receiving the love and affection I give to others. I am able to overcome past hurt. 

Learn More About Heart Chakra

What it Represents: The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It represents your abilities to communicate, speak your truth, be creative and authentic, and live with integrity.

When it’s Blocked: When you’re throat chakra is out of balance you may find it hard to express your feelings and emotions, communicate honestly or feel nervous verbalizing your thoughts. You might also discover you push your opinions on others in frustration.

Mantras for Balance: I can speak my truth with kindness. I am worthy of being heard. I will seek truth and knowledge. I will allow my creativity to flow. I will listen to others. I am honest. I am authentic and live with integrity.

Learn More About Throat Chakra

What it Represents: The sixth chakra is located just above your eyebrows. The third eye represents wisdom, perception, the ability to problem solve and overall how you view everything in the world around you.

When it’s Blocked: When you’re third eye chakra is blocked you may feel depressed or confused, find you procrastinate, have difficulty making important decisions or feel unable to self-reflect.

Mantras for Balance: I choose clarity. I am capable of solving all my problems. I am mindful and live in the present moment. I think clearly. I create my reality. I trust my intuition and my abilities.

Learn More About Third Eye Chakra

What it Represents: The crown chakra is located at the top of your head. This final chakra is your connection to a higher power, universal love, spirituality, consciousness, and the energy force of the six chakras below it. 

When it’s Blocked: When you’re crown chakra is out of balance you may feel lonely, insignificant, disconnected from a higher or spiritual power, and lost with no sense of meaning or direction in life. 

Mantras for Balance: I am connected and have purpose in life. I understand. I am open to receiving energy. I am fulfilled. I feel safe receiving divine guidance from a higher power. It is safe to trust. I am light.

Learn More About Crown Chakra

Balance your Chakra’s today with our seven part Chakra Healing Series. Discover balance and harmony with a guided meditation specially designed for each Chakra. You won’t regret it, I guarantee it!

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