3 Crystals to Make the Most of The Age of Aquarius
3 Crystals to Make the Most of The Age of Aquarius

The Winter Solstice of 2020 brings with it a rare astrological event. Saturn and Jupiter will appear closest in the sky on this night pushing us into the Age of Aquarius for most of 2021. During this time, you will have an opportunity to reclaim your personal power as you become the person you were always meant to be. It is time to reprogram the self-sabotaging beliefs that you are not enough, not free to be yourself or that if you do show your true self, you will be the subject of criticism and ridicule. Now is the best time to rid yourself of these thoughts as the Age of Aquarius is a time of acceptance, free expression and being unique. These 3 crystals will support your journey breathing in fresh air, new ideas and massive opportunities for growth!

Lapis Lazuli

This new era will last for most of 2021. During this time, Lapis Lazuli will be at the forefront prompting you to not only discover your true nature, but speak it out loud and proud. This stone stimulates the Throat Chakra, urging you to speak your truth, be creative and be yourself with confidence. It also awakens the Third Eye Chakra promoting wisdom, knowledge and clarity. This powerful combination offers the chance to move forward with conscious intention, while fully embracing your uniqueness and talent. For many, this stone will support you on your journey towards uncovering your uniqueness and talent, so be open minded. This period of time in the Age of Aquarius will be more free from the conformity and suppression of the previous Age of Capricorn. Therefore, it is the best opportunity to put yourself out there, discover who you want to become and really sink your teeth into it.


This aqua colored gem promotes “chill” vibes for creating a more laid back atmosphere free from judgment, ideal conditions for coming into your own. Amazonite helps us to rise above and beyond the restrictions of cultural, gender and societal roles and expectations. It serves as a reminder that you are free to do as you please and any boundaries you perceive are simply an illusion. Break down these barriers. This will allow you to overcome any subconscious prejudices or blocks creating space for love, growth and free thinking outside of the box. Additionally, Amazonite stimulates Heart Chakra which help you to love and accept others, and to realize that others love and accept you. When this mutual understanding of acceptance and compassion flows freely, we are more easily able to work together as a team for the good of the whole. For you, for me and for positive growth and change of the world.

Black Tourmaline

This grounding crystal will help absorb negative, toxic energies in your surrounding environment. In this manner, it offers both protection and a lifeline as the world shifts around us, including changes happening within us. Black Tourmaline serves as a reminder that you don’t have to lean into the same behavioral patterns just because this is what you have always done. This stone will help you step away from these ingrained instinctual reactions, especially if they are unhealthy and/or holding you back from aligning yourself with your true values (which you are likely still uncovering). As you move forward, this crystal will support you in becoming more self aware. Then, looking back you will begin to understand that the old habits, thoughts, ideas and patterns of life needed to change. Fully embrace these realizations and use them as inspiration as you continue to shed the old to make room for the new!

As someone who has always been a little out of place, I’m definitely looking forward to a new age, even if it’s just for a bit! I believe true happiness comes from discovering your passion and embracing who you are, but it isn’t always an easy path. Meditation is an extremely useful tool in figuring out this thing called life, so you can make the most of it. Our meditation membership includes everything you need with guided meditations in self discovery all the way to clearing toxic energy. Take today, and everyday, by the horns!

*Crystals are not meant to treat illness, cure ailments, or save you from Bigfoot. The feelings, experiences and hope crystals can bring are purely for you to discover on your personal journey through life. We make no guarantee as to their effectiveness, they are for inspirational fun. If you have any health or medical concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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