3 Crystals for Peace + Calm
3 Crystals for Peace + Calm

Allow feelings of calm to wash over your entire being with these 3 crystals selected to quiet your mind, balance your emotions and release any excess tension you may be carrying. 


Howlite is a stone of emotional healing. It calms an overactive mind, relieves tension and sooths anxiety. This crystal absorbs negative energies, such as anger, and transforms them in such a way that they may be used constructively to express yourself in a healthy manner. It isn’t good to keep your emotions bottled up and this gem can help facilitate that release. It activates Crown Chakra offering a link to a higher spiritual level of consciousness so that you may receive the energy and wisdom needed to pursue your goals. The dual colors of this stone represent peace of mind (white) while maintaining clarity and mental awareness (black). This combination is powerful for staying calm and grounded yet still open minded to new ideas that cross your path. Explore these ideas, ask questions and be mindful. 


This classic healing gem is ideal for quieting the mind and stepping back from any chaos that surrounds us. This encourages clarity and focus. A calm and collected state of mind promotes creativity, foresight and can add a flair of confidence to your mannerism. It activates Third Eye Chakra and, with this, an illuminated state of mind. In this place you can find a sense of peace in trusting yourself and deepening your faith in your own abilities.  Additionally, Amethyst is a natural ‘sedative’ promoting sleep and relieving excess stress. It is ideal for releasing yourself to the powers of meditation.

Blue Calcite

This pale blue gem works to sooth and relax the emotional body while protecting your aura from negative energies. It encourages an optimistic point of view so you can more clearly see your blessings instead of your lack. This shift in mindset is powerful. Due to its soothing nature, it is an ideal companion for recovery and recuperation brought on my physical or emotional trauma. Blue Calcite activates Throat Chakra promoting a healthy flow of communication towards yourself and others. Be kind to yourself with your words and be mindful of any negative self talk that may be fueling feelings of hurt or anxiety within you.

*Crystals are not meant to treat illness, cure ailments, or save you from Bigfoot. The feelings, experiences and hope crystals can bring are purely for you to discover on your personal journey through life. We make no guarantee as to their effectiveness, they are for inspirational fun. If you have any health or medical concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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