10 Habits To Live A Happier Life
10 Habits To Live A Happier Life

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We all want to live a long and happy life. But, how many of us do? If you’re not living your life to its fullest, it’s time for a change. The ability to change and achieve what we want starts with personal growth. You are worthy and deserving. Invest in your well-being and incorporate these simple, yet amazing, habits into your routine.

1. Acknowledge Your Blessings. No matter where you are in life there is always something to be thankful for. By consciously acknowledging positive things, you will shift your perspective and your mindset (for the better). Start your morning by recollecting five things you’re grateful for, before getting out of bed.

2. Meditate. The benefits of meditation can be powerful. It gives your mind a chance to calm your thoughts increasing self awareness and reducing stress. Read more about the practice of mediation here.

3. Get Creative Making art allows you to express yourself in a way that fuels your soul. It can help reduce stress and increase your level of happiness! Paint, build, draw, cook, run…. so many fun options! If you don’t have an awesome hobby, get one, because you deserve it. 

4. Reduce Phone Time Remember when you didn’t have a cell phone?? Maybe not, but setting the phone aside more often has its benefits. Connect with those around you, especially your family and significant other, to improve your relationships or take them to the next level. Less screen time also means less stress on your eyes. Perhaps, less stress overall by avoiding excess drama and negative news. All those senseless hours scrolling though social media could be turned into something amazing.

5. Stretch Your body is the only one you have, so keep it feeling tip top by adding a good stretch to your routine. A few minutes each day can reduce stress, tension, and stiffness throughout your body. Plus, increasing your range of motion and flexibility will reduce your risk of injury.

6. Make A List Organize your thoughts and tasks by creating a to do list for the next day. Keep it realistic. A list of 5-7 things will keep you focused and feeling accomplished. Creating this list the day before allows you to jump right into your day the next morning. It also releases you from worrying about everything the evening before.

7. Drink Water Of course it made the list! Water plays an important roll in your bodily functions. Most people don’t get enough water each day. As a rule of thumb, divide your weight by 2 and that’s how many ounces of water you should aim to consume each day. A person who weights 140 pounds should drink 70 ounces of water, or roughly 8.5 cups.




8. Read You don’t have to pick up a good book to get through some good books. Many of us spend a great deal of time behind the wheel. Use this time wisely and download an audio book to listen to during your commute. You can get a free book through Amazon Audible here to start listening today!

9. Pamper Yourself Tired of looking at your roots? Ignoring your nasty toes? It’s the little things you’re putting off that can subconsciously drag you down. Taking the time to take care of yourself will have a positive impact on your well being and how you see and carry yourself. So paint your toes, brush your hair and wax your pits.

10. Eat With Intention Putting good foods into your body equals your body feeling good which equals you feeling good. Start with small changes to your diet and routine. This will help build good habits and won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed. Try new foods and explore new ways of cooking.  Instapot’s and crock pot’s are saving time in kitchens world wide! 

Interested in taking your mindful practice to the next level? Our guided meditations will calm your mind and jump-start your journey towards becoming more mindful. I guarantee you’ll enjoy them!

This information is not meant to treat, cure or alleviate any health or medical problems. If you have any concerns, please consult with a medical physician.

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